Internal and External audiences
Media training
Departmental audit (structure, profiles, agencies)
Communication sensibilization
Corporate Reputation
Qualitative and quantitative measurement
Strategic Planning
Thougth Leadership
Crisis: scenarios, management, simulation, recovery
The company required a positioning encompassing the name, logo, and corporate identity to messaging, answering, and support the selected market. Three years after its incursion, growth has been exponential and continues as a SOFOM with strict operational management and a portfolio of satisfied customers seeking credit needs.
In 2014, Mexico’s financial reform allowed the creation of Multiple Purpose Finance Societies (SOFOM by its Spanish initials) became a market option to access credit more straightforwardly and at competitive rates. The number of SOFOM’s grew to 3,400 at one time; strict regulation reduced the quantity but not the number of options. The company selected a niche not well covered by traditional banks and the Fintech wave of recent creation.
Several factors are considered, along with the business model partners, including financial options in markets where microfinance is rare, collaboration from potential competitive media outlets to assist in communicating the test the concept and its feasibility. Through carefully drafted messaging and supporting points, the launch attained cooperation from several countries. As a result, the project continues its reach and receiving subscriptions throughout the Spanish language countries.
When fake news was at its peak, along with its publishing entities, a collaborative business model is created for journalists and citizens to function as news curators for its veracity and editorial treatment. The news site is where truth and unbiased opinion reside. The first step to making the model universal was to do it in the Spanish language, not as a translation but to manifest interest in diverse cultures and reach more than 440 million people who communicate in this language.
Entering an inexistent market in Mexico has been, and it is, a complex issue generating doubts for some and besides negative experiences. The outlook is not sufficiently clear about the solutions under this new framework and how it will turn out in a few years. Despite this and through an innovative business model and with a straightforward narrative that “translated” and placed in a correct perspective, the sector implications enable the firm to reach some of the largest industrial conglomerates (qualified users), generating trust over its recommendations and positioning the firm among MEM’s key audiences.
Few emerging economies face circumstances that alter a sector’s weight for development, as has been the case with Mexico’s Energy Reform, allowing investment in renewable energies with specific objectives within years. The Wholesale Electric Market (MEM as per the Spanish initials) gathers key actors foreseeing mid and long-term opportunities in economic development for the country. Creating a Mexican consulting firm to act primarily as an Energy financial trader for market participants required vision, patience, and credibility.
Contact Us
Paseo de los Tamarindos 400 B, 6th Fl.
Bosques de las Lomas 05120 CDMX, Mexico